How was your Valentine’s Day? Did you celebrate it with someone you loved? Whether you are a single looking for a primary partner or partners, or a couple looking for a single or another couple, etc, there are MANY ways to get into the relationship(s) you desire. We will talk about some of those ways as well as how to maintain and bring more Joy to any ongoing romantic relationship… help them evolve into a live-in situation if they haven’t gotten there yet and that is what you want. If it is marriage you seek, that may look like an open committed legal marriage between two people or a plural marriage by contract with similar rights and responsibilities to a legal marriage. Whatever it is you want, it can be accomplished by knowing how to make it happen.
Terry wrote Choosing, Finding, and Attracting Your Life Mate in 1992 with its most recent 2020 edition introduced at Conscious Life Expo in February of 2020. This will be given as a gift to whoever attends this event live or (as an ebook) on Zoom. Guided meditation for Attracting Your Special Someone(s) climaxes the Zoom portion of this event. It is also available on our web store at
Meeting ID: 317 597 1626 Passcode: Heinlein
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Meeting ID: 317 597 1626
Passcode: Heinlein