Polyamory, Censorship & Liberty
What’s Your Vote for the Future?
Zoom 11 am to 1 pm | Live 11 am to 4 pm, followed immediately by Paul’s 69th Birthday Party (4 pm to 11 pm)
Led by Paul Gibbons
Paul has been an activist for freedom most of his adult life. He has known (and recorded) major speakers on the subject, including those who have made a difference in our right to choose the sexual/love styles which bring us joy.
This is a dangerous time following the reversal of Roe vs Wade and the discussion of other assaults on the freedoms we cherish by our Supreme Court justices. The passage of the Equality of Marriage Act could have been a step in the right direction, but its deliberate exclusion of plural marriages is troubling. Paul will share with us how all this could affect the rights of those in the Poly community and what we can do about it. Bring your questions and opinions.
- 1pm | PotLuck Lunch – Bring something healthy and delicious to share. Since Paul’s 69th birthday is January 20th. Cake and ice cream for all! Let us know if you have a January birthday so we can add your name to the cake.
- 2 – 4pm | Socializing in the Hot Tub
Official Start of Paul’s Birthday Party
- 6 – 11pm | Live Filk: Songs of science fiction, the Space Age, and FREEDOM (also Poly Filk, see examples starting on page 5 of this month’s LTD newsletter)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 317 597 1626 Passcode: Heinlein
Find us Always here on the 3rd Saturday from 11AM- 1PM Pacific Time. This will be our Zoom ID from now on.
Suggested Donation (live only)
- Non-Members: $10/person.
- Attendance is included if you join Live the Dream the day of the meeting (annual membership is $25 for singles and $40 for couples or groups at the same address).
- Paid Members: $5/person.
- Gentlemen (potluck dish appreciated).
- Ladies, free with a potluck dish to share, otherwise same donation as gentlemen otherwise.