Led by Linda Fitack and Terry Lee Brussel
Linda has written a book called the Mandela Effect. (click here: www.amazon.com/Mandela-Effect-Confabulation-Fact-ebook/dp/B01I7V60YS). It is not science fiction, but is about the result of experiments being done by real scientists which are creating micro black holes. This is causing individuals to shift from one possible reality which they were born into to other realities which may differ only insofar as where you put your keys or so different as to contain major bridges where there were none and differing size and location of continents.
Terry is a certified clinical hypnotherapist (since 1969) who has done psychic readings on parallel lives and taught workshops in how to be aware of one’s own parallel selves living concurrently with us in realities where you made a different decision about what your career would be or who you would marry. This is real, too, rather than fantasy, and has been proven fact as Terry’s knowledge from other realities can be used in this one situation where she had no other access to that knowledge than her window into another reality.
How does this relate to polyamory? Considering the shifting of realities and the different versions of your lifemate(s) you may have already encountered without realizing it, we may all be poly! Heinlein’s Number of the Beast and To Sail Beyond the Sunset offer alternate realities, group marriages which have members from several of them in the same group, and things we can use to
make our multiple relationships in the real(?) world work.
Pot Luck lunch 1 pm
Socializing in clothing optional hot tub 2-4
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Meeting ID: 317 597 1626
Passcode: Heinlein