Upcoming Events!

Chosen Family & How Science Fiction Has Affected Real Families

Live the Dream Center 8515 Penfield Ave., Winnetka, CA, United States

We will discuss chosen families in real and fictional life. Tell us about yours! Line Marriage: Multi-Generational Group Marriage, triads and other unusual alternatives are described in The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. While some of the choices made in this example are influenced by the lack of females compared with males on Luna, some […]


Live the Dream Center 8515 Penfield Ave., Winnetka, CA, United States

Pot Luck Dinner Bring your favorite holiday dish from childhood (or now)—enough to share with 10 people. A-F Your favorite Meat, cheese, nut, fish or other delicious protein dish G-M Juices or fresh fruit N-R Side dishes or Salads S-Z Desserts and treats. Latkes, Apple Sauce and Sour Cream provided by Live the Dream. Bring […]

Liberty & Lifestyles & Celebration of January Birthdays

Live the Dream Center 8515 Penfield Ave., Winnetka, CA, United States

Paul Gibbons has been involved in alternative lifestyles since he first came to California from Ohio for a Star Trek Convention in 1974 at age 20. He was introduced to Elysium (a clothing optional growth center) and Family Synergy later that year. He has been a libertarian and advocate of political change (to eliminate institutionalized […]

Hawthorne Business Expo

Free to attend and offers a wealth of opportunity, advice, and information crucial for on-going business growth within a challenging economy. Stop by and visit us at our booth. Why Attend Program of Events Free Tickets

How to Make Loving Connections in the Poly Community

Live the Dream Center 8515 Penfield Ave., Winnetka, CA, United States

Led by 4th generation matchmaker Terry Brussel-Rogers, author of the book Choosing, Finding and Attracting a Life Mate and guided meditation CD ‘Attract Your Special Someone(s)’ Terry ran Marriage Minded Introductions for forty years. She still does poly and monogamous relationship coaching. Everyone attending will be given the poly supplement to the book. Whether you […]


“Staying Connected for Poly Lovers”

Join us at 4pm Saturday for the Zoom call "Staying Connected for Poly Lovers" Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/649569208?pwd=NnQ5VnpFaVByTUJZNlJSa0NadGtQQT09 Meeting ID: 649-569-208 Password: 396321 You sleep with everyone your partner has slept with! Think about what this means as a poly lover in the midst of Covid19 outbreak. Moderator: Terry Brussel-Rogers Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, life/business coach […]

Live the Dream Passover Seder

Zoom Conference

Live the Dream Passover Seder Wednesday April 8 6:30 Socializing 7-8:30 or 9 PM Seder Lead By Craig Milo Brussel Gibbons and Terry Lee Brussel-Gibbons Food provided by YOU at home as this Seder is VIRTUAL & FREE. Those of you who RSVP on Live the Dream hotline 818-886-0069 will be e-mailed a copy of […]

Being Poly in a Covid 19 Environment (ZOOM Conference)

Zoom Conference

Saturday April 18 11 am to 12:30 Being Poly in a Covid 19 Environment A ZOOM conference led by Terry and Craig Brussel Rogers. Zoom Website: https://zoom.us/ Zoom ID: 317-597-1626 Password: Heinlein Are the isolation protocols of the current emergency a temporary or permanent life style changer? How can we continue our multiple committed relationships […]

Poly Possibilities: X Wife/X Husband or Lovers You Used to be Married To? Led by Paul and Athena Gibbons with Terry and Craig Brussel Rogers

Paul and Terry were handfasted in 1993, married in 1994 and legally separated in 2008. They lived in LA. Terry and Paul remained platonic family by choice (water kin) for a couple of years before becoming lovers again. Paul married Athena in 2020 (with some on-the-spot help from Terry and Craig in putting the In […]

Finding Your Love(s) in a Pandemic: Post Valentine’s Day Assistance Led by Fourth Generation Matchmaker Terry Brussel-Rogers with Craig Brussel Rogers

Did you spend Valentine’s Day with your primary partner? With some combination of spice and lovers? If you are single did you spend it on Zoom or in person with a potential love interest? Any of these are possible and positive (in some cases delicious!) in their own ways. If you spent it in social […]

Harrad Experiment and Proposition 31 by Robert Rimmer:

Live the Dream Center 8515 Penfield Ave., Winnetka, CA, United States

Couple Meets Couple, They Fall in Love and Get Married. ALL LTD MEETINGS ARE NOW LIVE & ON ZOOM! Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3175971626?pwd=NWVjU3A2M0I2Q29IUkI4L1lMRzd2QT09 Meeting ID: 317 597 1626 Passcode: Heinlein Zoom Hours: Zoom 11AM-1230PM Live Hours listed below.  


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 317 597 1626

Passcode: Heinlein

Find us Always here on the 3rd Saturday from 11AM-  1PM Pacific Time. This will be our Zoom ID from now on.