Richard and his wife Devon discuss their lifestyle which is alternative in more ways than one. Devon is several years older than her husband. Their marriage is an open one and both
of them are bi. Richard’s parents lived the poly lifestyle as he was growing up. His Mother, Mary, will share a bit about that…
1 pm Pot luck lunch
Bring fresh fruit, salads and your favorite Irish dishes to go with the corn beef and cabbage provided by LTD.
2 – 3:30 pm
Spring Equinox Ritual
led by our High Priestess Ealswythe!
3:30 – 5:00
Socializing in the hot tub with Irish Music playing
The spring equinox is one of the four great solar festivals of the year. Day and night are equal, poised and balanced, but about to tip over on the side of light. The spring equinox is sacred to dawn, youth, the morning star and the east. The Saxon goddess, Eostre (from whose name we get the direction East and the holiday Easter) is a dawn goddess, like Aurora and Eos. Just as the dawn is the time of new light, so the vernal equinox is the time of new life.
All Live the Dream events are 11am – 4pm on 3rd Saturdays
8515 Penfield Ave in Winnetka, Ca. 91306 (unless otherwise specified).
New: Donation suggested for parties (not including Passover) and regular day time meetings: Ladies Free with potluck dish. Gentlemen: non-members $10 Members $5 Bring something for the pot luck.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 317 597 1626
Passcode: Heinlein